mariposa 11th street paseo

location mariposa, ca

year 2020

discipline landscape architecture

project type site design

tasks conceptual development, schematic design, detailing

role landscape designer, small team

concept sketches and reiterations

concept sketches and reiterations

aggregate testing for grading and path alignment

aggregate testing for grading and path alignment

final site plan

final site plan

section: cut and fill, mural, progression through site

section: cut and fill, mural, progression through site

section: rock channel alignment, pedestrian traverse

section: rock channel alignment, pedestrian traverse

transect: planting concept in relation to both site grading and regional context

transect: planting concept in relation to both site grading and regional context

transect: series of landings, didactic etching, visual continuity

transect: series of landings, didactic etching, visual continuity

perspective view: paseo as transect between parkway and downtown

perspective view: paseo as transect between parkway and downtown

vignettes: moments at the convergence of materials and planting

vignettes: moments at the convergence of materials and planting

detail: stone steps, landing, and adjoining handrail

detail: stone steps, landing, and adjoining handrail

detail: concrete ramp, variations in slope, adjoining handrail

detail: concrete ramp, variations in slope, adjoining handrail


mariposa trailhead


valley view